MOVIES YOUTUBE PHOTOS ... Some of tens of thousands from our archive:

Focus 1: Warning from 1980: NATO is wasting taxpayers' money to the max. Weapons that are very prone to failure in the event of war.

Focus 2: Warning from 1985: Dangerous global warming. Necessary implementation of suppressed technologies that can prevent global warming. Presented at four world climate conferences from 1985. Photo evidence coming soon.

US government advisor Steve Larrabee and his friend JB Koeppl in front of what is probably the most famous and notorious building in the world during one of their frequent visits from 1979 onwards. International publications of the trillions of dollars wasted in NATO were launched from Washington DC. One of the reasons for the financial worries of the majority of citizens in the Western world.

Actor Clinton und sein Freund Loewe

Rüdiger Löwe and his friend Bill Clinton in an intensive conversation.

Clinton und der Bruder von JB Koeppl

JH Koeppl met Clinton with R. Löwe in Augsburg decades later. The latter enthusiastically celebrated Carnival with JH and JB Koeppl in their "student digs" in Munich in 1970.

Spezi von Ex-US-Präsident Bill Clinton namens Rüdiger Loewe mit dem Bruder des NATO-Korruptionsaufdeckers.

Rüdiger Löwe with J Herman Koeppl at one of the many Bavarian government celebrations in the Munich Residence. Rüdiger died in 2020. JH Koeppl is now in despair in the face of the hopeless society.

RFK's son, RFK Junior in one of the letters to Dr JB Koeppl 2023. His announcement that he wants to become US President like his uncle RFK.

Einer der reichsten Männer der Welt

Allegedly one of the richest US citizens in 1982: Bunker Hunt, in a mini-conference in Nuremberg together with US Representative Larry McDonald.

An indirect invitation from David Rockefeller, issued by John McCloy Jr. and his London-based Grace Limited:

One of our most explosive invitations, because this one to a billionaire position, time 1982.

Via John McCloy II and presumably David Rockefeller, this business invitation was sent in 1982 to JB Koeppl and his brother JH Koeppl with the aim of participating in major Rockefeller projects.

At that time, it was about, among other things, international real estate and key technologies such as the “fingerprint”, which only became generally known decades later.

John McCloy's father was on the Warren Commission to investigate the JFK assassination.

J Herman Koeppl and frequent camera exercises also in Munich-Blutenburg.

The above 3 pictures show the celebrations for the "Day of German Unity 2012 in Munich": JH Koeppl filmed, accredited there.

The attempt to make the Politician University plausible to the political leadership failed completely. The political leadership in Germany does not want to assume that they have not attended a school for politics. At least not a good one.

The former and deceased chairman of a major German party, HJ Vogel, understood, like a German admiral, that democracies must also be managed like ships, construction projects, and orchestras.

All this within the framework of the best democracies and smart, far-sighted legal systems.

On this day, October 2, 2012, the following politicians heard the harsh accusation from political scientist Dr. JB Koeppl while distributing an address card for politicians' training: None of them had received training in good politics.

To Angela Merkel: "You're just a physicist." Merkel studied JB Koeppl for minutes. Her Justice Minister Leutheuser-Schnarrenberger just laughed.

Also embarrassed were: Interior Minister de Maiziere, Winfried Kretschmann and those listening in.

From 2012 onwards, things also went downhill in Germany.

The criticism was justified.

A little too proud: Shortly before entering the "Oval Office" of the WH WDC.

Mont Pelerine  Treffen der Mächtigen im Hintergrund

Bilderberg subsidiary and forerunner of the Davos economic summit called MONT PELERIN SOCIETY: appearance by Dr JB Koeppl and warning of the enormous waste of money at the expense of Western citizens.

On the right in the picture the conference program and some of the participants on the day...

Ex-US-Verteidigungsminister William Cohen und  KT Guttenberg

Quiz question to former US Secretary of Defense W. Cohen at one of the Munich Security Conferences: What is the biggest mistake in the US Constitution? Cohen cheated and asked a counter question without answering.

Die ZUKUNFT für Jeden hier abgebildet

Predictions from 1980:

In the book THE MOST IMPORTANT SECRET OF HUMANITY as well as in the novel ANTARIS, GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTS are outlined in advance.

And the political solutions.

Meanwhile society does not react!

In the above book in Part II on page 61, world events from 1989 onwards are predicted based on political science data.

Two options were identified...

Society will not respond to the warnings until at least 2023. A devastating sign.

The later NATO Secretary General Dr. Manfred Wörner: One of the few and great who, together with the White House advisor Larrabee, made a significant contribution to the investigations into the disastrous errors in NATO armaments, and indirectly also to BEST-GOVERNMENT.ORG and the POLITICIANS UNIVERSITY through his support.

In the above letter he thanks for the novel ANTARIS that he had been sent and which he read with great emotion.

Wörner recently visited JB Koeppl at NATO headquarters in Brussels together with two residents of the Eastern Bloc countries. Wörner said that the visit was the first from these countries.

Presentation of the novel ANTARIS in Cannes in 1988, accompanied by a resident of Dalles (blue overalls).

Although almost the whole of Cannes was covered in advertising stickers and countless film discussions took place, although Antaris perfectly predicted the developments on Earth, and although JH Koeppl and JB Koeppl then tried for decades to get the film accepted in Germany and also in Geneva, there was no access to this film world.

Publication by JB Koeppl in 1982 worldwide, including in US Newsweek, on the subject of "uselessness of NATO weapons in defense against Russia". Reason: their complexity.

Gorbatschows Desinteresse an einer Politiker-Schule

The likeable and very good-natured Gorbachev in Munich at the music academy after his lecture. He immediately left the hall when JB Koeppl confronted him with the question of whether he would support a university for politicians, because politicians still do not have the appropriate education. It is not known what the young translator had translated.

Ein Roman mit politischem Einblick

The novel Antaris by NATO expert JB Koeppl (Robert Kendel) describes the entire world almost correctly, at least until 2023.

Society rejects the exciting book (and also the film). Between 1990 and at least 2022, JH Koeppl invested huge amounts of time and energy and founded a film company - to this day - 2023 - to no avail.

Trump der Komödiant. 100 Trumps Briefe an BEST-GOVERNMENT.ORG

D. Trump (DT) the comedian and broker with quite a few lucky streaks.

So in dealing with North Korea:

Starting in 2016, DT’s office also sent 80 newsletters to BEST-GOVERNMENT.ORG / JB Koeppl.

In 2018, DT adopted exactly his North Korea solution, which he sent to DT just two days before.

Hereditary Duke Dr. Otto von Habsburg (son of the last Habsburg Emperor Karl, member of the EU Parliament) together with JB Koeppl, among others, in one of the countless discussions about the enormous waste in NATO. The result is weapons that are far too expensive and prone to malfunctions. They fail in the event of an EMP strike.

Meeting with one of the successors of King Ludwig II in Nymphenburg Palace: Unfortunately, nobles do not dare to tackle the big issues. It is clear that their ancestors indirectly and unconsciously contributed to the great destruction and decline we are experiencing today - two world wars, the current processes leading to great destruction.

Massive Kritik der US-Regierung    USA schwer korrupt

Here is the article from Newsweek, presented by US Senator and astronaut John Glenn in the US Senate in 1980 -- without result because of the senators' respect for industry.

Versuch einer PARTEI GRÜNDUNG in Frankfurt am Main

Attempt by the two Koeppls to found a party in Western Europe via an international finance club in 1995. Here is a discussion before JB Koeppl's speech to 5,000 club members in Frankfurt am Main.

The founding of the party failed because of society’s egoism.

Ein Politik-Bus aus 2012

One of the advertising vehicles for international politics from 2010 to 2022.

JH Koeppl released a piano concerto alongside his film publishing activities. C major op. 1 sounds like it was created by a distant, intoxicating world.

Hitler  Widerstand eines Richters

In the resistance against the Nazi Reich since 1941: the father of JH and JB Koeppl.

First a public prosecutor and later a judge and local politician.

Zivilcourage unverzichtbar

The Koeppls and their father with one of the most educated and courageous clergymen in the Catholic Church:

Bishop Simon Conrad Landersdorfer.

As early as 1969, he predicted the decline of society in a sad speech in Passau Cathedral.

The Vatican Archbishop Georg Gänswein and his astonishing courage to publicly confirm the statement of Dr JB Koeppl in a Munich cafe in March 2023:

"The religious person has the obligation to do his best to promote better politics and not to look exclusively at his place in heaven!"

The Archbishop then cited Pope Paul VI for reinforcement.


See photo below:

Directly in front of the palaces on one of the promotional trips - for example in front of Nymphenburg Palace and Schleissheim Palace - we encountered violent citizens, some of whom attacked us - and only one brave participant, Richard Adame, who JB Koeppl was able to save from serious, if not fatal, injuries...

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